Academic Champions are economists working in universities who want to encourage their students and department to be part of the push towards a more diverse and inclusive economic discipline

Join our network of people striving to diversify economics. Get first access to our events and campaigns as well as support with outreach at your organisation.
how you can help
Our Academic Champions can support us by doing any or all of the following:
Hosting Discover Economics events at their university with our support
Being our contact with Widening Participation teams at their university and distributing our content to schools in their area
Supporting us in the setting up of our Student Champions programme by helping with student recruitment (through advertising, nothing too taxing!)
Supporting us in any campaigns that may include undergrads/university students
Promoting diversity issues within your department
Encouraging your organisation to become a Discover Economics Partner
Professional Champions are economists working in the public or private sector who want to encourage their organisation to be part of the push towards a more diverse and inclusive economics.

Join our network of people striving to diversify economics. Get first access to our events and campaigns as well as support with outreach at your organisation.
how you can help
Our Professional Champions can support us by doing any or all of the following:
Helping with content production. This can be in the form of short videos talking about why they love economics, to writing blogs, to just forwarding relevant/exciting content that their organisations produce.
Joining us at Discover Economics careers fairs
Being a mentor to young potential economists
Giving support with finding speakers for events or being part of Discover Economics events themselves
Distributing our content in their networks
Providing advice to the team on new projects and campaigns
Encouraging your organisation to become a Discover Economics Partner