Lucas Wieringa Diaz

Lucas is studying BA Economics at the University of Sussex. Originally from London, he decided itwas time for a change of scenery and
decided the coast was where he wanted to be for the 3 years of university.
Why did you choose to study economics?
Originally I had no idea what economics was, until one day my brother came home with his school textbook and I decided to read some pages. The first part I came across was the choice and opportunity cost, a revelation to a 15 year old me. From that moment on I began to understand that every choice I made had a trade off, an opportunity cost. I realised how ubiquitous economics was and knew I wanted pursue the workings behind my choices.
How would you describe economics?
Economics, to me, encompasses everything. It is the study of choice and allocation, whether it be choosing an intervention, monetary policy or even the choice of choosing to study economics. I would describe economics as revealing. It provides a clarity to the workings of the government, banks and even everyday people you see in the street. I would also describe it as interconnected; it has relationships with psychology, biology and more!
If you had a time machine and could meet your 16-year-old self, what advice would you give them?
One thing I would definitely say is do your homework when mum tells you to. The workload at university can be a lot, while enjoyable, but that practice will definitely pay off. I would tell myself to have fun. Give time to my work but give enough time to myself. Memories last forever, embrace them and take the chances to make them. Education is important too, invest in yourself and always be hungry to learn more. Also, don't give up football. We were so good at it.
What is your favourite part of economics?
I guess saying everything is not a helpful answer, so I will go with the variety of subtopics that economics is an umbrella for. There are so many channels to explore such as microeconomics and macroeconomics, both of which branch off even further into monetary policy for macro and markets and competition for micro, two branches I recommend studying. I particularly enjoy behavioural economics. A more recent type of economics is so simple yet so intricate - you’ll never be able to look at things so clearly after studying it, highly recommended if offered!!
Is there anything you would do differently if you had the chance?
NOTHING!!! I wouldn't be the person I am if I didn't do the things and learn the things I did and wouldn't change it for anything. What is life without a few mistakes?